Preparation: Insert your SD Card to the computer. These templates can then be shared with other users and others applications. Download Checkpoint.nro and put it on switch folder. Eject and insert it on your Switch and boot your Homebrew Launcher. Select Checkpoint and follow the instructions there.

Dumping the save file: This is really the easiest part of it. They can also be used on Pokémon Showdown, which ignores the extra fields. GPSS ToolsįlagBrew's Global PKSM Sharing Service (GPSS) is a Pokémon sharing platform managed by the FlagBrew team.
This video will show you how to insert Mystery Gifts with the programm: Pokemon Mystery Gift Editor. MGDB Downloaderĭownloads the Mystery Gift Database (MGDB) into the mgdb folder in the same directory as PKHeX.exe. The MGDB is maintained by Project Pokemon Project to document all known Event Pokémon files and Wonder Cards.
The main reason to do this is to update PKHeX to include new Wonder Cards that are not yet packaged in the stable release. However, you can simply download the missing Wonder Cards from Project Pokémon Event Gallery and only add those specific files. If you still want to download the entire MGDB, this tool allows you to choose whether you want to download the latest stable release or the latest bleeding edge commit. The latest commit will contain everything up to the latest Wonder Cards and files added. ℹ️About GitHub Wiki SEE, a search engine enabler for GitHub Wikis as PKSM Bank Toolsīreaks down a PKSM Bank into the composite Pokémon, or restores them into PKSM Bank format. GitHub blocks many GitHub Wikis from search engines.